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Collage van beelden: vrouw die baby vasthoudt, baby die speelt, dokter die met vrouw praat, handen die pasgeborene vasthouden, vrouw en baby, verpleegster en vrouw, hand die babyvoet vasthoudt, oudere persoon die in bed ligt, vrouw die pasgeborene vasthoudt, dokter die baby vasthoudt, vrouw die babyvoeten kust, man die baby vasthoudt.

Medela Cares, our Corporate Social Responsibility Program

Over the decades, Medela has become a global company represented by 21 subsidiaries in Europe, the Americas, Asia, and Australia, and is present in 100 countries around the world through an independent distribution network. As we have grown as a company and expanded globally, so has our desire to make a difference on a global scale.

Medela Cares is anchored by three pillars: People, Planet and Society. In alignment with the Ten Principles of the UNGC and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Medela Cares is focused on where we can have the greatest impact aligned with our business priorities. The global topics of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption are synthesized into three pillars of our commitment.

2023 Medela Cares Impact Report

Access our full 2023 Medela Cares Impact Report, outlining our Medela Cares program and the initiatives to drive our 2025 objectives and support the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

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Our Three Pillars of Corporate Social Responsibility