在产后的 2-6 天内会下奶,将会出现正常的乳胀感,乳房变得更加坚实和饱满,且无疼痛感。产后前几天泌乳量将迅速增加,泌乳量将远超出宝宝吸乳量,这时可能出现被称为乳胀的疼痛感。
初始乳胀感通常发生在产后 2-6 天内的泌乳激活之后,泌乳量开始增加的时候。乳房通常变得饱满、敏感,有疼痛感,并出现发红、皮肤有光泽以及弥漫性水肿。这些症状往往出现在两侧乳房,并开始扩散。开始出现低烧 (< 38.4C),但不会像乳腺炎那样,出现全身症状。
Reverse pressure softening: a simple tool to prepare areola for easier latching during engorgement
Successful breastfeeding requires efficient milk transfer through the nipple-areolar complex, which includes subareolar tissue. Subareolar tissue resistance increases during engorgement, when expanded circulation and excess ...
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Maternal intravenous fluids and postpartum breast changes: a pilot observational study
The current breastfeeding initiation rate in Canada is approximately 87%. By one month, about 21% of women have stopped breastfeeding. Engorgement and edema in breast ...
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