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母乳育児の専門家または医療従事者へ相談することが必要な最初の第一歩です。母乳分泌不全を診断するために、お母さまは医療従事者の指導に従い、24時間毎授乳前後に(衣服や装飾品を変えずに)乳児の体重をテスト測定し、母乳産出量を測定できます。正期産児が飲む母乳量は、1日あたり平均750~800 ml(478~1356 mlの範囲)とされています。哺乳行動の「正常」範囲とはを参照してください。
Medications for increasing milk supply in mothers expressing breastmilk for their preterm hospitalised infants
Breastmilk remains the optimal form of enteral nutrition for term and preterm infants until up to six months postnatal age. Mothers of preterm infants who ...
Donovan TJ, Buchanan K (2012)
Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 14;3:CD005544
Impact of Measuring Milk Production by Test Weighing on Breastfeeding Confidence in Mothers of Term Infants
The duration of exclusive breastfeeding is affected by maternal confidence and perception of milk supply, but objective measurement of milk supply is rarely used. ...
Kent JC, Hepworth AR1, Langton DB2, Hartmann PE (2015)
American Academy of Pediatrics and The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Breastfeeding Handbook for Physicians 2006).
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Kent, J.C. et al. Longitudinal changes in breastfeeding patterns from 1 to 6 months of lactation. Breastfeed Med 8, 401-407 (2013).
Kent, J.C., Hepworth, A.R., Langton, D.B. & Hartmann, P.E. Impact of Measuring Milk Production by Test Weighing on Breastfeeding Confidence in Mothers of Term Infants. Breastfeed Med (2015).
Morton, J., Hall, J.Y., Wong, R.J., Benitz, W.E. & Rhine, W.D. Combining hand techniques with electric pumping increases milk production in mothers of preterm infants. J Perinatol 29, 757-764 (2009).
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Prime, D.K., Garbin, C.P., Hartmann, P.E. & Kent, J.C. Simultaneous breast expression in breastfeeding women is more efficacious than sequential breast expression. Breastfeed Med 7, 442-447 (2012).