对于大多数妈妈而言,母乳喂养是一种学习的技能。因此,妈妈在母乳喂养期间,可能需要含接姿势技巧和喂养姿势以及松开宝宝衔乳等辅助信息。 最佳含接姿势或衔乳可确保宝宝吸吮足够母乳 - 进而充分排空乳房,刺激泌乳 - 以及防止乳头疼痛。最佳含接姿势的最终目的是让宝宝嘴巴含住整个乳头以及尽可能多的乳晕/乳房组织。
最常见的母乳喂养衔乳或含接姿势如下: 妈妈直立端坐或侧躺,让宝宝面向乳房。宝宝的鼻子要接近乳头,其中宝宝颈部轻轻伸展,肩部和臀部保持水平。使用此姿势时,轻触宝宝下巴和嘴巴,使其张开嘴以衔住乳房。
当宝宝学习如何吸乳和衔乳时,妈妈可在含接过程中托住或支撑乳房。托住乳房常用技巧包括 C 字形握乳法(用一只手,其中四指放在乳房下方,大拇指放在乳房顶部)。
espite widespread skills-teaching, 37% of UK mothers initiating breastfeeding stop by six weeks suggesting a need to reappraise current support strategies. Rooting, sucking and swallowing ...
Colson SD, Meek JH, Hawdon JM (2008)
The aim of this study was to provide a more detailed analysis of the infant's behavioural sequence that begins immediately after birth and terminates with ...
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American Academy of Pediatrics and The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Breastfeeding Handbook for Physicians 2006).
Colson, S.D., Meek, J.H. & Hawdon, J.M. Optimal positions for the release of primitive neonatal reflexes stimulating breastfeeding. Early Hum Dev. 84, 441-449 (2008).
Cadwell, K. Latching-On and Suckling of the Healthy Term Neonate: Breastfeeding Assessment. J Midwifery Womens Health. 52, 638-642 (2007).
Henderson, A., Stamp, G., Pincombe, J. Postpartum positioning and attachment education for increasing breastfeeding: a randomized trial. Birth 2001;28(4):236–42.