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Le invitamos a explorar la Universidad Medela, donde encontrará cursos en línea para profesionales sanitarios. Por supuesto, todos los cursos son gratuitos.

A continuación encontrará un resumen de todos los cursos disponibles. Simplemente haga clic en cualquiera de los cursos para obtener información adicional. Accederá a nuestro sitio web externo de la Universidad Medela.

Recursos sobre drenaje torácico

Chest Drain Management

Welcome to the Chest Drain Management module, which examines what is a chest drain, where and why this is used along with different chest drainage systems. This course provides an excellent introduction to understanding and managing chest drainage.

Available in English, German, French, Italian and Dutch and Spanish.

This course is CPD certified.

In Service Course Thopaz+

This video based course talks through step by step how to set up the Thopaz+ device, including tubing and canister connection. Ideally you should have the equipment in front of you to follow the steps or alternatively use the Thopaz+ Simulator App. This course is part of an educational package to enhance your knowledge and confidence using the Thopaz+ device.

Also available in German, French and Italian

ERAS and Chest Tube Management

ERAS (Enhanced Recovery After Surgery) programs have become one of the cornerstones in the perioperative management of surgical patients. This recorded webinar highlights its importance, with special focus on the management of chest drains and scientific evidence behind the recommendations.

Cardiothoracic drainage utilising digital systems

There are many challenges associated with patients requiring chest drainage. This 3 lesson course gives an introduction to the use of a digital chest drainage and monitoring system. It explains the risks associated with traditional drains, the key factors in implementing change in practice and ways to justify changing to a digital chest drainage system. Presented by Ian Naldrett, Associate Director of Nursing at North Middlesex University Hospital - Responsible for Surgery Anesthetics and Critical Care (UK).

In Service Course Thopaz+

This video based course talks through step by step how to set up the Thopaz+ device, including tubing and canister connection. Ideally you should have the equipment in front of you to follow the steps or alternatively use the Thopaz+ Simulator App. This course is part of an educational package to enhance your knowledge and confidence using the Thopaz+ device.

Also available in German, French and Italian

ERAS and Chest Tube Management

ERAS (Enhanced Recovery After Surgery) programs have become one of the cornerstones in the perioperative management of surgical patients. This recorded webinar highlights its importance, with special focus on the management of chest drains and scientific evidence behind the recommendations.

Cardiothoracic drainage utilising digital systems

There are many challenges associated with patients requiring chest drainage. This 3 lesson course gives an introduction to the use of a digital chest drainage and monitoring system. It explains the risks associated with traditional drains, the key factors in implementing change in practice and ways to justify changing to a digital chest drainage system. Presented by Ian Naldrett, Associate Director of Nursing at North Middlesex University Hospital - Responsible for Surgery Anesthetics and Critical Care (UK).

Chest Drain Management

Welcome to the Chest Drain Management module, which examines what is a chest drain, where and why this is used along with different chest drainage systems. This course provides an excellent introduction to understanding and managing chest drainage.

Available in English, German, French, Italian and Dutch and Spanish.

This course is CPD certified.

In Service Course Thopaz+

This video based course talks through step by step how to set up the Thopaz+ device, including tubing and canister connection. Ideally you should have the equipment in front of you to follow the steps or alternatively use the Thopaz+ Simulator App. This course is part of an educational package to enhance your knowledge and confidence using the Thopaz+ device.

Also available in German, French and Italian

ERAS and Chest Tube Management

ERAS (Enhanced Recovery After Surgery) programs have become one of the cornerstones in the perioperative management of surgical patients. This recorded webinar highlights its importance, with special focus on the management of chest drains and scientific evidence behind the recommendations.

Cardiothoracic drainage utilising digital systems

There are many challenges associated with patients requiring chest drainage. This 3 lesson course gives an introduction to the use of a digital chest drainage and monitoring system. It explains the risks associated with traditional drains, the key factors in implementing change in practice and ways to justify changing to a digital chest drainage system. Presented by Ian Naldrett, Associate Director of Nursing at North Middlesex University Hospital - Responsible for Surgery Anesthetics and Critical Care (UK).

Chest Drain Management

Welcome to the Chest Drain Management module, which examines what is a chest drain, where and why this is used along with different chest drainage systems. This course provides an excellent introduction to understanding and managing chest drainage.

Available in English, German, French, Italian and Dutch and Spanish.

This course is CPD certified.

In Service Course Thopaz+

This video based course talks through step by step how to set up the Thopaz+ device, including tubing and canister connection. Ideally you should have the equipment in front of you to follow the steps or alternatively use the Thopaz+ Simulator App. This course is part of an educational package to enhance your knowledge and confidence using the Thopaz+ device.

Also available in German, French and Italian

ERAS and Chest Tube Management

ERAS (Enhanced Recovery After Surgery) programs have become one of the cornerstones in the perioperative management of surgical patients. This recorded webinar highlights its importance, with special focus on the management of chest drains and scientific evidence behind the recommendations.

NPWT and Wound Care Resources

In depth analysis of the mechanisms of action for NPWT

This e-learning gives a comprehensive account into the physics behind NPWT. The focus of the course is to delve deeper into the biological effects that occur with NPWT.

This course is CPD certified.

Introduction to Wounds

The course gives an introduction into the very basics of the skin, what exactly is a wound, what is meant by the terms wound healing and the difference between acute and chronic wounds.

This course is CPD certified.

NPWT (Negative Pressure Wound Therapy)

In earlier modules, reference was made to Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT).  In this module, NPWT is the central focus.

This course is CPD certified..

Prevention of Infection

This course will examine the impact of bacteria on wounds including biofilm formation and identify the signs and symptoms of an infected wound and underline the importance of prevention of infection.
The T.I.M.E. principle/concept will outline some of the ways forward when dealing with an infected wound.

This course is CPD certified.

The Physics of NPWT

In this module we explore the physics behind negative pressure wound therapy. Some of the key questions we will explore include how negative pressure is created and delivered to the wound bed, and how changes in pressure lead to fluid removal.

Finally, we explore several of the clever adaptations that have been made to negative pressure wound therapy systems to enhance their function.

This course is CPD certified.

Wound Aetiology and Management

In this eLearning you will obtain or refresh knowledge about the following topics - acute versus chronic wounds, Diabetic Foot Ulcers (DFU), Pressure Injuries part 1, Venous Leg Ulcers (VLU), other types of leg ulcers along with the general principles of wound management.

This course is CPD certified.

Wound Assessment and T.I.M.E.

In this eLearning you will obtain or refresh knowledge about the following topics - wound location and dimensions, wound bed tissue types, clinical signs of infection, wound edges and surrounding skin. Included here is an overview of the principles of wound management , the T.I.M.E principle and wound dressing selection.

This course is CPD certified.

The Physics of NPWT

In this module we explore the physics behind negative pressure wound therapy. Some of the key questions we will explore include how negative pressure is created and delivered to the wound bed, and how changes in pressure lead to fluid removal.

Finally, we explore several of the clever adaptations that have been made to negative pressure wound therapy systems to enhance their function.

This course is CPD certified.

Wound Aetiology and Management

In this eLearning you will obtain or refresh knowledge about the following topics - acute versus chronic wounds, Diabetic Foot Ulcers (DFU), Pressure Injuries part 1, Venous Leg Ulcers (VLU), other types of leg ulcers along with the general principles of wound management.

This course is CPD certified.

Wound Assessment and T.I.M.E.

In this eLearning you will obtain or refresh knowledge about the following topics - wound location and dimensions, wound bed tissue types, clinical signs of infection, wound edges and surrounding skin. Included here is an overview of the principles of wound management , the T.I.M.E principle and wound dressing selection.

This course is CPD certified.

In depth analysis of the mechanisms of action for NPWT

This e-learning gives a comprehensive account into the physics behind NPWT. The focus of the course is to delve deeper into the biological effects that occur with NPWT.

This course is CPD certified.

Introduction to Wounds

The course gives an introduction into the very basics of the skin, what exactly is a wound, what is meant by the terms wound healing and the difference between acute and chronic wounds.

This course is CPD certified.

NPWT (Negative Pressure Wound Therapy)

In earlier modules, reference was made to Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT).  In this module, NPWT is the central focus.

This course is CPD certified..

Prevention of Infection

This course will examine the impact of bacteria on wounds including biofilm formation and identify the signs and symptoms of an infected wound and underline the importance of prevention of infection.
The T.I.M.E. principle/concept will outline some of the ways forward when dealing with an infected wound.

This course is CPD certified.

The Physics of NPWT

In this module we explore the physics behind negative pressure wound therapy. Some of the key questions we will explore include how negative pressure is created and delivered to the wound bed, and how changes in pressure lead to fluid removal.

Finally, we explore several of the clever adaptations that have been made to negative pressure wound therapy systems to enhance their function.

This course is CPD certified.

Wound Aetiology and Management

In this eLearning you will obtain or refresh knowledge about the following topics - acute versus chronic wounds, Diabetic Foot Ulcers (DFU), Pressure Injuries part 1, Venous Leg Ulcers (VLU), other types of leg ulcers along with the general principles of wound management.

This course is CPD certified.

Wound Assessment and T.I.M.E.

In this eLearning you will obtain or refresh knowledge about the following topics - wound location and dimensions, wound bed tissue types, clinical signs of infection, wound edges and surrounding skin. Included here is an overview of the principles of wound management , the T.I.M.E principle and wound dressing selection.

This course is CPD certified.

In depth analysis of the mechanisms of action for NPWT

This e-learning gives a comprehensive account into the physics behind NPWT. The focus of the course is to delve deeper into the biological effects that occur with NPWT.

This course is CPD certified.

Introduction to Wounds

The course gives an introduction into the very basics of the skin, what exactly is a wound, what is meant by the terms wound healing and the difference between acute and chronic wounds.

This course is CPD certified.

NPWT (Negative Pressure Wound Therapy)

In earlier modules, reference was made to Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT).  In this module, NPWT is the central focus.

This course is CPD certified..

The Science of Care

En los últimos 60 años, nuestra empresa se ha dedicado a la ciencia de desarrollar la forma más sencilla, intuitiva y eficaz de cuidar.