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A badly fitting breast shield can reduce the amount of milk you express and cause pain during pumping. A big breast does no equal a big shield size: The size of your nipple is the deciding factor! The breast shield tunnel should surround your nipple closely, but leave enough space for the nipple to move back and forth freely without rubbing on the sides of the tunnel. It shouldn’t pull too much of your areola into the tunnel while pumping See "Downloads" for full instructions on how to find the right breast shield size for you.

Symphony Hub

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Wypozycz Laktator

A badly fitting breast shield can reduce the amount of milk you express and cause pain during pumping. A big breast does no equal a big shield size: The size of your nipple is the deciding factor! The breast shield tunnel should surround your nipple closely, but leave enough space for the nipple to move back and forth freely without rubbing on the sides of the tunnel. It shouldn’t pull too much of your areola into the tunnel while pumping See "Downloads" for full instructions on how to find the right breast shield size for you.

Symphony Hub

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Wypozycz Laktator

A badly fitting breast shield can reduce the amount of milk you express and cause pain during pumping. A big breast does no equal a big shield size: The size of your nipple is the deciding factor! The breast shield tunnel should surround your nipple closely, but leave enough space for the nipple to move back and forth freely without rubbing on the sides of the tunnel. It shouldn’t pull too much of your areola into the tunnel while pumping See "Downloads" for full instructions on how to find the right breast shield size for you.

Symphony Hub

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Wypozycz Laktator

A badly fitting breast shield can reduce the amount of milk you express and cause pain during pumping. A big breast does no equal a big shield size: The size of your nipple is the deciding factor! The breast shield tunnel should surround your nipple closely, but leave enough space for the nipple to move back and forth freely without rubbing on the sides of the tunnel. It shouldn’t pull too much of your areola into the tunnel while pumping See "Downloads" for full instructions on how to find the right breast shield size for you.

Symphony Hub

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