Pumping Tips
Time to read: 6 min.
Expressed breast milk is the best food for your baby to have when you’re not there. So how do you store and use your milk safely?
If you’re returning to work, heading to a gym class or simply want your partner to give a feed so you can catch up on some sleep, you can express your breast milk and store it for your baby to have when you’re not around. Expressed milk keeps most of its health-giving benefits, so if you have to miss a feed, it’s far better for your baby than any type of formula. But good hygiene is vital to ensure that stored milk is safe for your baby – read on to find out how to store breast milk properly.
Breast milk is better for your baby than formula – but freshly expressed breast milk is preferable to refrigerated, and refrigerated is better than frozen. That’s because freshly expressed milk has the best bacteria-fighting properties and is higher in antioxidants, vitamins and fat than milk that has been refrigerated or frozen.4
If you have expressed breast milk cleanly and safely, you can store it at room temperature, in the fridge, or in the freezer, depending on how soon you want to use it.
Follow this storage location and temperatures guidelines for freshly expressed breast milk (for healthy term babies)2,3:
The table below illustrates our global recommendations, please refer to your country guide.
* Very clean conditions means rigorously following the guidance in our article on cleaning and sanitizng your breast pump.These guidelines for storing and defrosting breast milk are a recommendation – contact your lactation consultant or breastfeeding specialist for further information.
If your baby is in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) or special care ward, your hospital may have stricter recommendations for cleaning and storage.
If you’re refrigerating or freezing expressed milk, always label the bottles or bags with the amount and the date it was pumped, so you can track and manage your stored milk.
Storage place
| Room temperature 60° F to 77° F | Refrigerator 9° F or colder | Freezer 0° F or colder | Previously frozen |
Safe storage time |
Do not refreeze |
Stored breast milk tends to separate into layers, with the fat (cream) rising to the top. Gently swirl the bottle to mix the layers before feeding your baby. Vigorous stirring or shaking can damage some of the milk’s nutritional and protective components.5
When your baby feeds on expressed breast milk from a cup or bottle, bacteria from his mouth can naturally end up in the milk. For this reason, it’s best to throw away any leftover, partly drunk milk within one to two hours of his initial feed. To avoid wasting expressed milk, it’s always a good idea to store it in small amounts, and only use what you need.2
Healthy, full-term babies can drink breast milk at room temperature or warmed to body temperature. Some have a preference, others don’t seem to mind.
You may notice that your refrigerated or defrosted breast milk can sometimes smell different. This is because an enzyme called lipase breaks down fats and releases fatty acids – a process that helps prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.
Some moms report that their stored milk has a soapy or rancid smell. But if you’ve followed all the safe-storage guidelines in this article, it will be perfectly fine to use.2
If you have to transport your milk between work and home or daycare, use a cooler bag with ice packs.2 For more on pumping and storing milk on the move, read our article on travelling and pumping.
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