Breastfeeding Challenges
Time to read: 3 min.
Nipple pain or tenderness is one of the most common issues cited by moms in the first few days of breastfeeding. Nipple pain that extends beyond this period should not be considered normal and warrants further attention. If left untreated, sore nipples can lead to other breast problems such as engorgement, mastitis or early cessation of breastfeeding. Nipple pain or sore nipples may occur with or without infection.
Symptoms of sore nipples may include temporary pain as a result of suction (vacuum) injury in the first few days post-partum. Nipple pain that extends beyond this may include signs of fissures, skin abrasions, cracked nipples, scab formation, or pale or dark blotches on the nipple. Signs of inflammation in the nipple or areola may be present as well. They include pain, particularly during latch, redness, oedema and higher temperatures than normal.
If a bacterial infection is present, a yellowish discharge and a reddened nipple may also be observed.
Consultation with a lactation professional is recommended. A feeding history, examination of the mom's breast and nipples and the baby's mouth, along with observation of a breastfeed, is recommended.
Amir, L.H. ABM Clinical Protocol #4: Mastitis, Revised March 2014. Breastfeed Med 9, 239-243 (2014).
Jacobs, A. et al. S3-Guidelines for the Treatment of Inflammatory Breast Disease during the Lactation Period: AWMF Guidelines, Registry No. 015/071 (short version) AWMF Leitlinien-Register Nr. 015/071 (Kurzfassung). Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd. 73, 1202-1208 (2013).
American Academy of Pediatrics and The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Breastfeeding handbook for physicians 2006).
Lawrence, R.A. & Lawrence, R.M. Breastfeeding: a guide for the medical profession (Elsevier Mosby, Maryland Heights, MO, 2011).
McClellan, H.L. et al. Infants of mothers with persistent nipple pain exert strong sucking vacuums. Paediatica 97, 1205-1209 (2008).
McClellan, H.L. et al. Breastfeeding frequency, milk volume, and duration in mother-infant dyads with persistent nipple pain. Breastfeed Med 7, 275-281 (2012).
McClellan, H.L. et al. Nipple pain during breastfeeding with or without visible trauma. J Hum Lact 28, 511-521 (2012).
Hale, T.W.,& Rowe H.E.,. Medications and mothers' Milk 2014 (Hale Publishing, Plano, 2014).
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