Insikter om thoraxdränage
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The symposium at the University Hospital Zurich highlighted recent advances in Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) protocols in cardiac surgery and the importance of their continued evolution to optimise perioperative care.
The speakers focused on how prehabilitation, minimally invasive surgical approaches, optimal drain management, and rehabilitation all contribute to reducing both hospital length of stay and complication rates.
Key perioperative elements to improve outcomes: early extubation, early mobilisation, opioid-sparing multimodal regional analgesics, physiotherapy, nutritional support, and early drain removal.
Postoperative Management in the ERAS Model: What to Consider?
ERAS Approach: Applicable to All Cardiac Surgery Patients?
Retained Blood Syndrome: What is It?
Post-op Drainage Management: Is It Important, and What Do We Know About It?
MICS and How Proactive Chest Drain Management Could Help.
Posterior Pericardiotomy in Cardiac Surgery: An Alternative to Conventional Drain Management?
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