For a detailed infographic on all risk factors see download section.
To support you best, Symphony offers two research-based programs, INITIATE and MAINTAIN. It is crucial you always use the correct program!
*Based on market feedback and new data analysis, Medela has recently updated the protocol for when to switch from the INITIATE to the MAINTAIN program on the Symphony® breast pump. The current protocol recommends that the mother switches to MAINTAIN after pumping 20 mL of milk in three consecutive sessions from both breasts combined. New evidence supports earlier switch to MAINTAIN program when 20 mL or more is expressed from both breasts combined, in one pumping session.
We recommend the new protocol of switching after pumping 20 mL in one session, as it simplifies the process for both healthcare providers and mothers. As this change is implemented gradually, users may encounter both protocols during this transition period. We want to reassure that both versions (1x20mL and 3x20mL) are safe.
How to pump in INITIATE
How to pump in INITIATE
Good to know:
For more information on breasts shield fitting see downloads section; for information on double pumping see links section.
See "Downloads" for more information on how to determine the right breast shield size.
The mother can set the comfort vacuum by rotating the vacuum adjustment knob as follows:
Click here for everything you need to know about Symphony rentals.
For more information on the transition hospital to home see downloads section.
1. Spatz DL. Infant. 2020; 16(2):58–60.
2. Pang WW, Hartmann PE. J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia. 2007; 12(4):211–221
3. Spatz DL et al. J Perinat Educ. 2015; 24(3):160–170
4. Prime DK, Kent JC, Hepworth AR, Trengove NJ and Hartmann PE. Dynamics of milk removal during simultaneous breast expression in women. Breastfeeding Medicine 2011a; Vol 0(0); 1-6
If you have any further questions about Symphony, pumping or breastfeeding, please always approach the healthcare professionals near you. They can support you best!