Pumping Tips
Time to read: 1 min.
Curious what you can do to make the weaning experience easier on you, your body, and your baby? Read on for some tips and what to do with your pump.
Your decision to wean from pumping is a personal one and solely yours to make, Mama. Though the CDC and American Academy of Pediatrics recommend exclusively feeding your baby breast milk for the first six months of their life and continuing to provide breast milk (alongside complementary foods) for up to 12 months or longer, the reality is that every breastfeeding journey is unique. Some moms may have ongoing milk supply issues, nursing challenges, or a job that makes it difficult to continue pumping after returning to work. Whatever your reason may be, you're likely wondering how to wean from pumping and make the transition from breast milk feeding easiest for you, your body, and your baby.
A few tips to consider include:
Patience is important when considering how to wean from pumping and dedicated time is essential to avoid stopping suddenly and then risking discomfort or complications. Rest assured that decreasing your overall pumping sessions, the time spent pumping each day, or gradually delaying pumping will eventually slow breast milk production and allow you to fully wean yourself from the pump.
If your breasts become uncomfortably full, try hand expressing just enough to relieve the discomfort - remember, you don't want to become overly engorged, which can lead to pain, clogged ducts, and mastitis. Speaking to a lactation consultant or your healthcare provider for additional tips for weaning off pumping and letting them know right away if you suspect you have a clogged duct can help you proactively avoid complications while making your weaning experience much more seamless. Though weaning from the pump requires time and patience, breast milk is produced on a supply and demand basis - this means that your milk supply will eventually decrease and then fully "dry up", regardless of what strategy you pursue or how much time your chosen method seems to take. Until your baby has fully transitioned onto an alternative food - whether it be formula (which can be used anytime) or a milk like cows' milk, soy milk, or rice milk (which should be used only after 12 months or older), or even something else - you can always mix in increasingly smaller amounts of leftover breast milk as he or she becomes accustomed to the new taste (and their body learns to digest this new sustenance).
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