Managing Spit Up After Breastfeeding: Why It Happens
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Has spit-up become an everyday wardrobe accessory? By understanding what causes spit-ups, you can learn how to stop them from happening too often.
What causes babies to spit up breast milk
Spit-ups happen most frequently as your little one is getting the hang of feedings. As a baby begins breastfeeding, they commonly swallow air as they learn how to latch and establish an efficient sucking pattern.
Keep in mind that your baby’s digestive system is still developing, so spit-ups may happen even if he or she feeds without taking in a lot of air.
Sometimes babies may want to nurse more frequently than their little digestive system can handle, so they may spit-up excess milk.
Don’t wait until your baby is extremely hungry to feed. Frenzied feedings can cause baby to swallow more air while nursing.
Eliminate distractions. Frequent interruptions in a feeding may cause your baby to swallow more air and slip out of proper positioning.
Burp after every feeding. Give your baby a chance to release any air bubbles that were created during a feeding. Just make sure you have a cloth to drape over your shoulder, unless you’ve grown to appreciate the spit-up on your clothes!
Keep your baby calm and upright after feedings. Avoid moving from feeding to play time right away, as the activity could cause an unexpected spit-up.
Don’t overfeed. If you notice your little one consistently spits up a considerable amount after every feeding, he or she may be getting too much at a time. Try switching to shorter, more frequent sessions if this occurs.
Call your doctor immediately if you can answer yes to any of these questions:
Is your baby projectile vomiting?
Is there green bile in your baby’s spit-up?
Is your baby not gaining weight?
Is your baby crying with spitting?
Is your baby in pain?
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