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Breastfeeding Lifestyle

Let's Talk About Self-Care

Time to read: 3 min.

When you become a mum, it is very easy to forget that you deserve to still do things for yourself. We are here to remind you that you are still you, and you deserve to treat yourself!

Your interests are still valid

It really is hard to remember who you were as a person before you had your baby. Just know, those feelings of mum guilt are something that all mums feel. You should never feel bad about doing something just for you. 

You had loves and hobbies long before your life changed in so many ways and your world began revolving around the little person who grew inside you.

We're here to remind you that you are still allowed to be you!

The Importance of Friendship

This is not a foreign concept. But now more than ever, you will find yourself feeling overwhelmed and unsure. Having your tribe around you is so incredibly important for your health and well-being. Trying to raise a baby without asking for help is next to impossible. Always remember you allowed to ask for help!

Where spa days were a likely more common occurance before you had a baby, don't stop doing them now! Grab your girls, drop the baby off with your expressed milk at a babysitter's house when you can and go!

There is nothing better for the soul than by nourishing it with your friends and loved ones. And doing it at place that treats you like the Queen you are? How perfect. You get a break from being mum, from changing nappies, cleaning up vomit, longing for the shower and a solid block of sleep. You get to be you.

Spas not your thing? No problems! A day of Netflix and Chill with your gals can often be exactly what the doctor ordered too 💛

As long as you are not trying to go at this alone, you will get through the tough times and start to feel like yourself again.

Reading and Movies

Remember that feeling of sitting down all alone with a cup of tea, cracking open a new book or flicking on the TV to that new series you've been waiting all year for?

It doesn't have to stop! Sure, you can watch a show or two while you're breastfeeding, seemingly the only time you have that doesn't leave you busier than you ever have been in your whole entire life. But it's not quite the same is it? You need to be quiet, there is no guarantees your bub will settle after the feed and sometimes the TV being on is just not an option when you have a little one who gets distracted easily.

And we won't start on breastfeeding with one hand. It takes a real knack to get your angles right, but holding a book? It's doubtful...

You need to know that it is okay to leave your baby with someone else so you can have some relaxing me time. Read, watch TV, have a bath and stare at the ceiling. Whatever makes you happy mama! It's amazing how a few hours where you are left to just relax how you once did makes the world of difference.

A relaxed mama often equals a relaxed bub. Don't forget that!

Don't under-estimate the power of fresh air

Really! When you are feeling a bit blah and just have no motivation to do anything, that is your perfect opportunity to go for a walk! Super easy to do even with your baby in tow, they tend to love the pram! Snuggle them up in a blanket and let the gentle rock of the pram lull them to sleep. You can pop your headphones in or just enjoy the sound of nature, playground fun and cars whooshing by. 

It really is remarkable how just getting out of the house can boost your mood. And if you just need a break from it all? Hello beach where you can soak in some of that warm sun on your tired skin and just relax (sunblock slathered first, of course).

If doing your hair, makeup and nails makes you feel good, DO IT!

So basically, this article has been a shout-out to all mamas out there. It's okay to throw away your to-do list, pretend the washing basket isn't there and simply look after you. You deserve it and you've got this Mama 💛

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The Organic Nipple Balm gives you natural relief for sore nipples and dry skin.

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The Organic Nipple Balm gives you natural relief for sore nipples and dry skin.

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